Australian Melodies

Isaac Nathan wrote his Australian Melodies song cycle between 1841-1848. The songs feature some examples of Aboriginal Music who Nathan identified as the first Australian composers. The last of these melodies were published in a book called The Southern Euphrosyne in 1848. 

Seven songs within the cycle were inspired by Aboriginal melodies or calls. The melodies depict Aboriginal culture from Isaac Nathan's interested and curious perspective. They are evidence of ceremony songs, totem songs, and songlines and of positive artistic cross-cultural relations dating back nearly 200 years. Despite the Frontier Wars, which were divisive and traumatic, these songs are an example of how Australian History could have been very different, and they give inspiration moving forward.

The Aboriginal Mother 1841

Aboriginal Mother - Score (2).pdf

Aboriginal Father 1843

Aboriginal Father - Scorev2 (2).pdf

Eagle Cheif 1842/45

Eagle Chief - Score (2).pdf
Eagle Cheif draft.mp3

Koorinda Braia 1842

Koorinda Braia - Score (2).pdf
Koorinda Braia Cooeee (2).mp3

Ah! Wyabooka 1848 (Southern Euphrosyne)

Wy-a-boo-ka - Score (2).pdf
Ah! Wy-a-boo-ka The Turtle Song.mp3

Wargoonda Minyarah 1848 (Southern Euphrosyne)

Wargoonda - Score (2).pdf
Wargoonda Minyarah.mp3

Dital Dital Baloonai 1848 (Southern Euphrosyne)

Dital Dital - Score (2).pdf
Dital Dital Baloonai.mp3

The Southern Euphrosyne 1849 - Accessed via National Library of Australia

CN 5 1849 Southern Euphrosyne.pdf